ForumCategory: LayoutHow does ion Bombardment affect the Adhesion Process?
Avatarsemiconductor asked 7 months ago
I think ion bombardment really helps improve the adhesion of thin films. When we use ion sources, the surface gets cleaned, and you end up with a better bond. This process removes impurities, which makes the film stick better to the substrate.
3 Answers
AvatarCodeBook answered 7 months ago

We have noticed that when you use ion bombardment, it can change the way crystals form in the film. This can lead to better adhesion and overall film quality. It's not just about cleaning the surface but also about changing how the film grows.

AvatarDigitalWorld answered 7 months ago

In my experience, ion bombardment is important for achieving high-quality films. I think it’s because it allows you to control the film properties better. We found that films without ion bombardment often have poor adhesion and higher stress, leading to failures.

AvatarCircuitDesigner answered 7 months ago

I believe that the improvement in adhesion from ion bombardment is due to both cleaning the surface and changing nucleation. You get a double benefit. On one hand, it removes impurities, and on the other, it helps in the formation of a more structured film.

You can see a big difference in film stress when using ion bombardment. We observed that the stress can be managed better, which improves adhesion. When you control stress, you prevent the film from peeling off the substrate.