ForumCategory: DigitalHow do nMOS and pMOS transistors work in terms of signal strength
AvatarCircuitDesigner asked 2 months ago
nMOS transistors are great at passing a strong 0 but not so good at passing a 1, which becomes weak. On the other hand, pMOS transistors are good at passing a strong 1 but pass a weak 0.
2 Answers
Avatarsemiconductor answered 2 months ago

When you combine nMOS and pMOS transistors in parallel, you get a transmission gate. This gate can pass both 0s and 1s effectively, making it a better switch for signals.

AvatarCodeBook answered 2 months ago

A transmission gate needs both the control input and its complement, known as double rail logic. This makes sure that the signals are not degraded, which is crucial for reliable circuit operation.