Verilog is a language we use to describe how digital systems work, like network switches, microprocessors, memory, or flip-flops. You can use it to check if analog and mixed-signal circuits work correctly, and even design genetic circuits. Verilog is also helpful for designing and testing digital circuits at the register-transfer level (RTL). It helps us create complex systems and ensure they function as expected.

Can you and I compare casex and casez, and figure out when to use each?
Can you and I design overlapping and non-overlapping FSMs for the sequence detector 1010?
Can you and I discuss the difference between a while loop and a do-while loop?
Can you explain the difference between a static and automatic function, and give me an example?
Can you explain the difference between wire and reg to me?
Can you explain the difference between $random and $urandom to me?
Can you help me figure out the output of the following code?
Can you write RTL code to generate a 60% duty cycle clock?
Can you and I differentiate between a task and a function?
Can you write Verilog code for a 5:1 MUX?
Can you explain the difference between define and include to me?
Can you help me understand the difference between dual-port RAM and FIFO?
Can you explain what a FIFO is, and how underflow and overflow conditions work in FIFO? Could you also write Verilog code for it?
Can you and I swap register content with and without using an extra register?
How can we implement synchronous and asynchronous reset using a DFF, and can you help write the Verilog code for it?
How can we override an existing parameter value in Verilog?
How can we write RTL code to generate a 100MHz clock?
How do we generate two different clocks in a testbench?
How do we use force and release in Verilog, and what are they for?
How do we use the generate block in Verilog, and what is its purpose?
How would you explain Regular delay control and Intra-assignment delay control?
How would you explain the difference between $stop and $finish, and when should we use them?
How would you explain the difference between a full case and a parallel case, and why does it matter to us?
How would you explain the Verilog event scheduler to me?
How would you write a Verilog code for a D-Latch?
Intermediate-level questions: What is the default value of a wire and a reg, and why should we know this?
What are some applications of FIFO that we should be aware of?
What do we mean by parameter overriding in Verilog, and how can you do it?
What do you and I mean by Synthesis in Verilog?
What does infer latch mean, and how can we avoid it?
What does the ‘automatic’ keyword mean in a task, and how do we use it?
What is #0 in Verilog, and how do you use it?
What is timescale in Verilog, and what does timescale 1 ns/1 ps mean in a Verilog code?
What will happen if there is no else part in an if-else block, and why should we care?
What will the output of m, n, and o be if c is the clock? Can you explain this to me?
What’s the difference between blocking and non-blocking assignments?
What’s the difference between $stop and $finish, and when should we use them?
Why can’t we use the always block inside a program block?
Why is defining strength in Verilog important for us?

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