ForumTag: Analog Layout
What are the benefits of the LOCOS (Local Oxidation of Silicon)?
AnsweredAvatarVLSI Master answered 1 week ago • 
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Can someone explain how photolithography works in VLSI?
AnsweredAvatarsemiconductor answered 2 weeks ago • 
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Drain-Induced Barrier Lowering in Advanced MOSFETs
AnsweredAvatarsemiconductor answered 1 month ago • 
43 views4 answers0 votes
What is a Subthreshold swing?
AnsweredAvatarsemiconductor answered 1 month ago • 
51 views4 answers0 votes
What is Channel length and Channel Length Modulation?
AnsweredAvatarsemiconductor answered 1 month ago • 
66 views3 answers0 votes
How Inversion Layer form in a MOSFET?
AnsweredAvatarDigitalWorld answered 2 months ago • 
124 views1 answers0 votes
How does ion Bombardment affect the Adhesion Process?
AnsweredAvatarCircuitDesigner answered 2 months ago • 
82 views3 answers0 votes
How Many Types of Macros Are There in LEF/DEF?
AnsweredAvatarsemiconductor answered 2 months ago • 
157 views3 answers0 votes
How Does Thinner Gate Oxide Achieve Faster MOSFET Switching?
OpenAvatarsemiconductor commented 2 months ago • 
119 views3 answers1 votes
Why Use Higher Level Metals for Power/Ground Routing?
AnsweredAvatarCodeBook answered 2 months ago • 
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How do you minimize parasitic capacitance in high-frequency analog layouts?
AnsweredAvatarCodeBook answered 2 months ago • 
139 views4 answers1 votes
What are the main design challenges in ASIC design?
AnsweredAvatarVLSI Master answered 2 months ago • 
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Why is small signal analysis important in analog circuit design?
OpenAvatarTechGuru answered 2 months ago • 
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How do I permanently delete files in Linux to prevent data recovery?
AnsweredAvatarTechGuru answered 2 months ago • 
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Difference Between SRAM and DRAM(Advantages of SRAM over DRAM)
AnsweredAvatarDigitalWorld answered 2 months ago • 
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