Top-20 Automation Engineer Interview Questions (With Answers)

Automation engineers are essential to the software development process because they work with teams to create and execute automated testing plans that guarantee the performance, dependability, and quality of their final products. These experts must stay current on the newest methods and tools for testing various systems and apps as automation technology develops.

To assist you in getting ready for your next job interview in this sector, we have put up a list of 20 interview questions specifically for automation engineers, along with sample answers.

Top-20 Automation Engineer Interview Questions (With Answers)

What is your experience with automated testing frameworks?

I have experience working with several automated testing frameworks, including Selenium, Appium, and Robot Framework. In my previous role, I primarily used Selenium to automate web application testing, and I am familiar with creating and executing test scripts using this framework.

Can you explain how you would automate a login page?

I would first identify the page elements required for login, such as username and password fields and a submit button. I would then create a test script using a testing framework to input test data into the fields and submit the form. I would also validate that the login was successful by checking for the presence of certain elements on the next page. I would then cover negative test scenarios as well.

What are some challenges you have faced in test automation?

One common challenge I have faced is maintaining test scripts as the application changes over time. To address this, I have developed a process of regularly reviewing and updating my test scripts to ensure they stay valid, and include all of the assertions necessary.

How do you ensure the stability and reliability of your test automation framework?

I do it by regularly addressing any issues that arise. I use version control to track changes to my test scripts and ensure that the latest version is always available. Additionally, I document my processes and share them with team members to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Can you give an example of a particularly challenging test automation project you have worked on?

One such project I worked on was automating the testing of a complex financial application. The application involved a lot of complex calculations and interactions between different elements, so creating effective test cases was difficult. To overcome this challenge, I worked closely with the development team to gain a deep understanding of the application’s logic and create test cases that accurately tested its functionality.

When will you avoid automated testing?

Automated testing may not be suitable in several scenarios where human testers excel:

  • Frequent changes in the software or functionality require constant updates to automated tests, which can quickly become obsolete.
  • Exploratory testing is better suited for human testers who can investigate software more thoroughly.
  • Automated tests may miss UI flaws unless specifically programmed to detect them.

Mention the different parts of a test automation framework.

Automation testing involves various software tools or frameworks. Here are some characteristics to consider when evaluating these tools:

  • Programmable (code-based) or code-free tools: Some require programming knowledge, while others allow non-coder testers to generate test cases visually.
  • Open Source vs. Commercial: Pricing varies greatly; commercial products can be costly but offer tech support, while open-source software is free but requires independent troubleshooting.
  • Ease of use: Some tools are difficult to use and require substantial training, while others are user-friendly and can be used immediately.

Should you automate all testing?

Although test automation offers benefits, it is impractical to automate all types of testing. User interface testing, usability testing, and accessibility testing are best performed by human testers.

Explain the PID Based Control System?

PID, or Proportional Integral Derivative, is widely used in closed-loop control. PID controllers maintain the output to a device so that there is zero error between the process variable input and setpoint to the device.

Please explain the difference between a PLC and DCS?

A PLC, or programmable logic controller, is a ruggedized computer used for automating processes. A DCS, or distributed control system, is similar to a PLC in that it has rugged computer controllers; however, the DCS contains multiple autonomous controllers that are distributed throughout a system, also used for automating processes.

What are the different components used in automation?

The components of the automation system include:

  1. Sensors for sensing temperature, pressure, flow, level, etc.
  2. Transmitters for transmitting the raw signal.
  3. Control system, which includes PLC, DCS, and PID controllers.
  4. Output devices and actuators like drives and control valves.

What is a transmitter?

A transmitter is an electronic device mounted in the field or plant close to a sensor. The sensor transduces a measured physical variable, like temperature, and then outputs a low electronic signal to a controller. The basic function of the transmitter is to sense the low-level signal, amplify it to a higher level, and transmit the signal to a controller.

What is a Test suite?

A Test suite is a collection of test cases that are required to test a software program to ensure it meets the specified requirements.

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What is regression Testing?

Regression testing is performed to ensure that a recent program or code change hasn’t adversely affected existing features.

What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?

While Selenium is an open-source tool used for web application testing, QTP (Quick Test Professional), now known as UFT (Unified Functional Testing), is a commercial tool used for desktop, web, and mobile application testing.

What is keyword-driven testing?

Keyword-driven testing is an automation testing framework that separates the test creation process from the actual test execution.

What is Data Driven Testing?

Data-driven testing is a framework where test input and output values are examined from data files (databases, Excel files, CSV files, etc.) and are loaded into variables in captured or manually coded scripts.

What is the difference between Keyword Driven and Data Driven Testing?

While keyword-driven testing separates scripting from test data, data-driven testing separates test instructions from test data.

What is a hybrid Testing framework?

A hybrid testing framework combines multiple testing methodologies, such as data-driven, keyword-driven, and modular-driven frameworks.

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